每月彙整: 2007 年 7 月

Ethidium bromide

Ethidium bromide is a suspected mutagen and is irritating to the eyes, skin, mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. The health effects of ethidium bromide exposure have not been thoroughly investigated. It is suspected to be carcinogenic and teratogenic because of its mutagenicity, although there is no direct evidence of either effect. The toxic effects of ethidium bromide may be experienced if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. However, ethidium bromide is not easily absorbed through the skin because of positive charge and bulky structure.

Ethidium bromide is thought to act as a mutagen because it intercalates into double stranded DNA, thereby deforming the molecule. This is believed to block or trip biological processes occurring on DNA, like DNA replication and transcription.

Oh no…………. I used it for DNA experiment today

OSA Incon2006 Israel Re-union

Incon Israel Re-union today.
Went to watch Die Hard 4.0 @UA Time Square,
then go to take sticky photos,
finally have birthday celebration at food court of Time Square.



KK 被禁食十六小時後的饞相

Thanks Jessica~
Thanks 佳佳,小葉  and rest of HK200 Groupmates,
and most importantly Kelly mum !! haha~

Mr. Tse is leaving us next year……………
Going to miss him…………..
Wishing him all the best!

Today got the result slip

Elite Camp

St John’s College

University of Hong Kong

7 July – 8 July

12:00pm – 10:00 pm

So, let me go diving for two days, see you~